FJMHS has made great progress since it re-generated two years ago, but it needs new people, and more people! Do you think FJMHS is going in the right direction? What else could FJMHS do? If you have a view, and would like to help with FJMHS, now is the time to get involved. Come to our next meeting, which will include the AGM, 7pm on Wednesday September 19 in school. A new Chair, and maybe vice-chair/s, is vital but so are people to be on projects during the year – refreshment teams, car park stewarding, Fundraising fun events – all roles are welcome!
If you would like to talk to someone before September 19th, do call me, the outgoing Chair, on 07751 107343, or email and one of the committee will get back to you.
And by the way, I will be around if it helps next year… St. Patrick’s Day Quiz anyone?
See you on September 19th!
Vicky Baker, Chair 2016 – 2018.