Wanted – Prizes! Prizes are needed for a fundraising Bingo Evening – please hand donations into school by Friday May 26th. If you would like to play Bingo then put June 10th in your diary now.
The regular, very popular, Bingo night at Leadon Bank often raises money for local charities and all the proceeds raised on June 10th will be for John Masefield High School. We need to support this by donating prizes and filling some of the tables on the night.
Prizes: Please donate prizes for the Bingo and a raffle. For example: wine, beer, biscuits, chocolates, tins of food, scarves, plants, vases, teddy bears, recipe books, jewellery, tea towels, unwanted gifts. Bring in your donations to school by half term and hand them in at school reception.
Bingo: Want to go along and play? 7pm, Saturday June 10th, at Leadon Bank. For further details and/or to book email info@fjmhs.org.uk or text 07751 107343.
FJMHS are very grateful to the organisers of the Bingo, Linda and Sheila. All proceeds will go to JMHS.