Spending Update
Just in case you missed it... Did you realise that in the last 12 months FJMHS have paid for new badminton kit, table tennis tables and DynaKar science investigation equipment? We also significantly helped…
Just in case you missed it... Did you realise that in the last 12 months FJMHS have paid for new badminton kit, table tennis tables and DynaKar science investigation equipment? We also significantly helped…
The Performing Arts Department is one of three local causes in Co-op Ledbury at the moment. Already we have nearly £1000 to spend updating our music, dance and drama equipment. However there is…
Our next meeting wll be on May 21st 2018, in the Community Lounge at JMHS. email info@fjmhs.org.uk for details.
FJMHS Café at School of Rock was a winner - thank you to the many helpers, the customers and to Helen for organising us all. Organising refreshments and Front of House…
Our next Meeting is on Monday March 26th 2018, 7pm, in the Community Lounge at school . Come in via Halo Leisure Centre and then upstairs. Opinions welcome, volunteering not compulsory!
FJMHS have one again volunteered to help the performing Arts Department with their production refreshments for the forthcoming production of School of Rock. We need volunteers for front of house,…
The Friends are now part of the Co-op Local Community Fund in Ledbury, so every time you shop there and use your membership card 1% of your shop get put…
Our next Meeting is on Monday January 15th 2018 in school in the Community Lounge (upstairs through Halo Leisure Centre) at 7pm. Join us to make plans for the year ahead,…
FJMHS will be serving refreshments at the start of the school Christmas Concert on Monday December 18th at St Micheal’s Church, Ledbury. Make the most of this lovely festive evening.…
Look out your unwanted reading books, ages 5 to 16, which will be sorted and passed on to good causes: Dr Bethuel Setai Primary School in South Africa, our school library…